Choosing the perfect style for your outdoor furniture

Choosing the perfect style for your outdoor furniture

Choosing your garden furniture is great fun, but it can also prove quite a difficult task due to there being so many incredible designs and styles on offer from a range of both traditional and forward-thinking designers.

For garden lovers, outdoor furniture is an important part of its overall look and feel, and can reflect our personality whilst adding style to the space. The different designs and vibes that are available through garden furniture means we can break them down into different categories, such as modern, traditional and vintage looks.

Outdoor furniture for modernists

If you're a fan of contemporary furniture, then you're looking at large, strong and bold looking furniture in understated colours, such as black, brown or white. Large outdoor dining table and chair sets that are clean and simple, and cutting-edge sun loungers that utilise the latest technology are great examples of current, modern garden furniture. Finding space for one large item of furniture in a small garden may seem like you'd be going against the grain, but many designers say that this can actually help create an opulent feel within the area – something that could be considered for a small city garden.

Classic style with traditional furniture

When searching for comfort that's tried and tested, then a classic style is a very safe choice. Wooden benches and lounge tables are proven winners with the outdoors, just be sure they are well treated with outdoor protection before you purchase. There's a reason they call a style classical, and it's not just because of the aesthetic appeal. This sort of furniture will stand the test of time, which may help you save money in the long run as you can be certain you're unlikely to be constantly replacing your garden furniture every few years – unless you're prone to the odd style change, in which case we deem that quite acceptable!

The old-school vintage vibe

Furniture with vintage aesthetics are typically somewhat feminine with an elegant charm. Think styles that cafes often adopt, with small tables and intricately designed chairs, delicate benches or accessories such as trolleys and planters. One of the fun things about vintage inspired furniture is that it can be very easy to mix and match your collections, as they all work together to add to that charming appeal. You can add throws and cushions to the mix and really create a cosy environment that'll have friends and family keen to pop around so they can enjoy the fruits of your outdoor space just as much as you!

Keen to add style and comfort to your own garden? If so, why not pop down to one of our London showrooms and check out the wide range of styles and collections that we have available? We're based in Chiswick with a team of knowledgable staff who are more than happy to help you find the perfect vibe.

You can also keep up-to-date with us on social media, so be sure to head over to our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages for the latest news and tips!

7th September 2018

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