Our website refreshed

Just a quick note that we've refreshed the design of our website, to make it easier for you to find the best in outdoor garden furniture.

Rather than having separate web addresses for Barbed Shop and Barbed Ltd, you can now find us in the one place, www.barbed.co.uk, with the different sections listed in the sidebar, to the left.

We've also enlarged the font and layout size slightly, and our front page slideshow now works on devices that don't support Flash, such as the iPad. So not a drastic revamp, but we hope these changes add up to a better overall experience!

We'll be continuing to update the site with all the best products, articles and blog posts. There are plenty of ways to stay connected: why not register for our mailing list, subscribe to our blog, follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook to stay up to date?

Posted by Iconography Ltd
16th May 2012
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